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The Techies Who Are Hacking Education by Homeschooling Their Kids | WIRED
John Oliver Celebrates Sex Satellite With #WeGotThoseGeckos | The Mary Sue
Here are some of the terrifying possibilities that have Elon Musk worried about artificial intelligence — Quartz
BitTorrent’s Secure Dropbox Alternative Goes Beta, Adds Mobile * TorrentFreak
How to Build HTML Forms, video training
Getting Started with Sass Basics Part 1
3 areas where Amazon Web Services might be vulnerable (if the competition can exploit them) – Old GigaOm
The 5 impressive ways David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest predicted the future
The Treehouse Show is Ending [Article] | Treehouse Blog
The 7 Deadly Sins of User Research | by David Travis | Medium
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Why Netflix (NFLX) Stock is Higher Today - TheStreet
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