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The Deep Mind of Demis Hassabis. Googleâs prize AI prodigy tells all | by Steven Levy | Backchannel | Medium
Legendary "Apocalypse Now" Film Editor Walter Murch Tells Us Why We Should Take Bode's Law Seriously
Interactive 3D Mall Map - Codrops
Please Wait... | Cloudflare
Goodies Delivered Monthly | Product Hunt
Flexbox Cheatsheet
Google Will Soon Launch Google Web Designer, A Free HTML5 Development Tool For Creating Web Apps, Sites And Ads – TechCrunch
Rainy Cafe Machine Plays Ambient Noise to Soothe and Boost Productivity
Can Netflix Survive in the New World It Created? - The New York Times
See the Most Expensive, Extravagant Mansion in L.A. | GQ
How to get a better night's sleep | WIRED UK
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