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Google’s Chromebook strategy moves forward with support for Android apps – Old GigaOm
Boredom is not a problem to be solved. It's the last privilege of a free mind | Gayatri Devi | The Guardian
Android Pay Goes Live, Google Wallet Becomes Cash Swap App - WSJ
The Homepage Exception – A List Apart
What are the four things your boss will never tell you about getting a raise or promotion? - Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Statuspage - Atlassian Blog
GitHub - jakubroztocil/cloudtunes: Web-based music player for the cloud Play music from YouTube, Dropbox, etc.
Webtoons are the New Stickers: Asia's Latest Toon Trend
BWL Searchable Accordion jQuery Plugin - Exclusive On CodeCanYon
HTML5 is done, but two groups still wrestle over Web's future - CNET
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